

浏览次数: 712次| 发布日期:12-29 13:49:08 | 初中英语作文
标签:初中英语作文带翻译大全,初中英语作文网,http://www.350xue.com 中考英语议论文满分作文,







  你从报上得知为了防止病毒传播,有些省市采取措施,对随地吐痰的人处以重罚。请你就此事用英文给某报纸的编辑写一封信,简要谈谈你的看法。信的开头及结尾署名已给出,不要再另行署名。词数为 50 — 60 (不包括已给出的部分)。信的内容要点如下:

  1. 随地吐痰的危害性 (如传播疾病,有害健康,污染环境等);

  2. 你对改变随地吐痰这一陋习的建议 (如加强教育,处以罚款等);

  3. 你对改善环境的期望 (如希望人人都关心爱护环境,使城市更加美丽等)。

  提示词语:spread v. & n. 传播,do harm to …… / be harmful to …… 对……有害,educate v. 教育,protect the environment 保护环境

  Dear editor,

  I am a middle school student. I’ve just read some articles on spitting problem in newspapers. They say that in order to prevent the spread of virus some local governments have made a decision:if someone spits in a public place,he or she will be fined heavily (从重罚款). I quite agree with this decision.



  Yours sincerely,

  Wang Nan


  Dear editor,

  I am a middle school student. I’ve just read some articles on spitting problem in newspapers. They say that in order to prevent the spread of virussome local governments have made a decision:if someone spits in a public place,he or she will be fined heavily(从重罚款). I quite agree with this decision.

  It’s a bad habit to spit on the ground. It carries and spreads diseases,pollutes our environment and does harm to our health. It is very important to protect the environment. We should educate the public to change their bad habits and punish those who spit in public places. If all the people care about (take care of / protect)the environment,our city will become more beautiful.

  Yours sincerely,

  Wang Nan


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