

浏览次数: 135次| 发布日期:12-29 13:48:49 | 高中英语语法
标签:高中英语语法大全,高中英语语法总结,http://www.350xue.com 高考英语情景交际45题,
  1. --- Jimmy came close to being killed in a traffic accident the other day.
   --- ______? He was driving carefully all the time.
   A. When B. What C. Pardon D. How
  2. --- Do you think I can pass the test?
    --- ______, I’m afraid.
   A. Not a chance B. Of course
    C. You can D. A little bit
  3. --- Next Monday is my birthday.
   --- Is that so? ______
   --- Thank you.
   A. I don’t believe so.
   B. I’m so glad.
   C. What presents do you need?
   D. Many happy returns of the day!
  4. --- Oh, must you? Stay a bit longer. ______.
   --- Thanks anyway. I’ve got an early start tomorrow morning.
   A. It’s been such fun having you
   B. Maybe you can have supper here
   C. It’s so pleasant to meet you
   D. Let’s have another chat
  5. --- May I ask a favour of you?
   --- ______.
   A. It’s my pleasure B. I’ve no time
   C. Ask please D. Sure, go ahead
  6. --- How would you like your tea?
   --- ______.
    A. Very quickly B. As it comes, please
    C. Very much D. I don’t like tea
  7. --- How’s it going, Joyce?
   --- ______.
   A. Oh, okay, I guess
   B. Not doing wrong
   C. Sorry, I’m not so good
   D. Nothing, thanks
  8. --- Ken telephoned you while you were out. He seemed worried about something.
   --- ______?
   --- No, he’ll call you later.
   A. Will he call again
   B. What’s it about
   C. Should I call him back
   D. Do you know for sure
  9. --- Can I help you, sir?
   --- ______.
   A. Yes, you can help me
   B. No, I don’t need any help
   C. Of course, if you like
   D. No, thanks, I’m being served
  10. --- I think you should take more exercise every day if you want to keep fit.
   --- ______.
   A. Yes, OK
   B. That’s all right
   C. Thank you for your advice
   D. It’s very kind of you to say so
  11. --- Long time no see! You look well.
   --- ______. You look fine, too.
   A. Thanks B. Great C. Oh, no D. Not at all
  12. --- I’m going to Beijing tomorrow. My plane leaves at 8:30 tomorrow morning.
    --- ______
    A. Is that so--- B. How wonderful!
    C. Have a good trip. D. Well, goodbye.
  13. --- Don’t forget to post the letter for me, will you?
    --- ______.
   A. Maybe I will B. No, I won’t
    C. Sorry, I don’t D. I suppose not
  14. --- I hope you don’t mind my turning on the heater.
    --- ______.
    A. Never mind B. Yes, I won’t
    C. That’s right D. Not in the least
  15. --- Whose advice do you think I should take?
    --- ______.
    A. It’s up to you B. You speak
    C. That’s it D. You got it
  16. --- Did you go Dutch after that meal, I mean, with the other five friends?
    --- ______.
    A. Yes, they did
   B. Yes, they paid for the meal
    C. No, they didn’t
    D. No, because it was my treat that day
  17. --- Thank you for your CD-ROM. I’ll return it as soon as possible.
    --- ______. I’ve got another one to spare.
    A. No problem B. No hurry
    C. Nothing much D. Be careful
  18. --- I’m sorry I can’t go with you.
    --- ______? Haven’t you agreed?
    A. How’s that B. What is it
    C. Why don’t you D. What do you think
  19. --- Good afternoon, ______? The name is David Parks.
    --- Two letters, sir, and a postcard.
    A. is there any mail for me
   B. could you post these letters for me
    C. what can I do for you
   D. is that John speaking
  20. --- David, it’s Frank. Do you have a few minutes? I need to see you.
    --- ______. But I hope “a few minutes” doesn’t turn into an hour.
   A. I’m afraid not B. It doesn’t matter
   C. I don’t think so D. I guess so
  21. --- Have a good Women’s Day, mom.
    --- Thanks. ______.
   A. You’re welcome
   B. That’s all right
   C. It’s kind of you to say so
   D. The same to you
  22. --- Excuse me, ______?
    --- That’s $35.76 altogether, madam.
    A. how much is the meal we’ve had
    B. but can I take your order
    C. could I have the bill, please
   D. would you please take the money
  23. --- How is Tom?
    --- ______.
   A. He is a teacher
   B. He is much better
   C. He is like his father
   D. He is twenty
  24. --- I’d like to take a week’s holiday.
    --- ______; we are too busy.
   A. Don’t worry B. Don’t mention it
    C. Forget it D. Pardon me
  25. --- Excuse me.
    --- ______?
   --- Could you tell me how I can get to the First Department?
   A. Pardon B. Why C. Yes D. Please
  26. --- Do you mind if I smoke here---
    --- ______.
    A. No, please don’t
   B. I’d rather you didn’t
    C. I don’t want you to
   D. I’m afraid I don’t
  27. --- I’m sorry, but I can’t follow you. ______
   --- OK, it’s B-L-A-C-K.
   A. Would you please walk slowly?
   B. I don’t understand you.
   C. Would you please repeat it more slowly?
   D. What’s the meaning of this word?
  28. --- Wish you every success in the future.
    --- ______.
    A. Sure, I will
   B. Thanks
    C. It’s not easy to do so
   D. I’ll do my best
  29. --- How did you find your visit to the museum, John?
    --- ______
    A. By taking a No. 3 bus.
   B. Oh, wonderful, indeed.
    C. I went there alone.
    D. A classmate of mine showed me the way.
  30. --- Let’s go out for a drive tomorrow. We can take a picnic.
    --- ______.
    A. Yes, do please B. That’s OK
    C. Good idea D. Many thanks
  31. --- I’m going to join them in the game.
   --- ______
   A. Have fun. B. I’m sure of it.
   C. What a pity! D. Maybe you like it.
  32. --- My daughter has passed the college entrance exam.
    --- Congratulations! She is really intelligent.
   --- ______.
   A. No, no. She is nothing

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