

浏览次数: 817次| 发布日期:05-11 11:36:45 | 谚语语录
标签:谚语大全,关于天气的谚语,英语谚语,http://www.350xue.com 《不差钱》英文版台词经典语录网,

Shenyang This I know, sir, but with Mr. Bi here, perhaps only for once, can't you stop being so stingy? I am still young, but I see life can be so very short, it sometimes is much the same as taking a sleep. Eyes closed, eyes opened, and a whole day is over. Eyes closed but never opened again then your whole life is over.

CCTV Man That`s wit! / What a master of wit!

Uncle Zhao Not wit, he's a waiter. / To me, he jus' stings like shit!

Shenyang I didn't mean to offend you, sir.

Uncle Zhao Then whut did you mean?

Shenyang One shouldn't set too much stock on money. What good can it do, really? The most scary part of it all, sir, is to die leaving your money unused.

Uncle Zhao Whut's more scary...

Shenyang Yeah?

Uncle Zhao ... is to be left living with you' money gone. Don't worry, boy. If you play your part well, I'll pay you well.

Shenyang Do as you please.

Uncle Zhao Go ahead.

Shenyang (to himself) What a day... just too stingy.

(Shenyang exits again.)

Uncle Zhao (to CCTV Man) Preparin' the dishes would take s'me time, sir. Here's Yadar, my granddaughter. They all call her Yadar. She started showin' promise to be art'ritis when very young.

CCTV Man You mean an artist.

Uncle Zhao Please test her to see whether she's good enough for you' Broadway.

CCTV Man Can she...

Uncle Zhao Whut can she do, right? No problem!

CCTV Man Now I see. You got me stuck here so your granddaughter can get into my program.

Uncle Zhao Oh yeah, that's it.

CCTV Man What exactly can she do?

Uncle Zhao Yadar, show Grandpa Bi whut you can do. Waiter, give us a mike for a Karaoke show.

(Shenyang enters for a third time.)

Uncle Zhao (to Yadar) Stand over there.





毛毛: 我是来自大城市铁岭莲花池水沟子的,我名字叫丫蛋。今天,我心情非常地冲动,今夜阳光明媚,今夜多云转晴。




毛毛: 我心情从多云转晴了。这是为什么呢?因为我找到我姥爷了,我姥爷太好了,他能带我上溜光大道。



毛毛: 上《星光大道》。我非常感谢我姥爷能给我这次机会,我太感谢你了。如果你真的把我领上道儿,我就感谢你八辈祖宗,我......代表八辈祖宗感谢你。忘不了你对我的大恩大德,我这辈子也不会忘记你,我做鬼都不会放过你。


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tag: 谚语语录,谚语大全,关于天气的谚语,英语谚语,名人名言 - 谚语语录