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Detective stories教案

浏览次数: 122次| 发布日期:06-12 13:11:05 | 九年级英语教案
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Unit 6 Detective stories
            Unit6           1整洁__________ 成绩__________
一. 用所给词的适当形式填空
1. Why__________ you __________ (dress) like that?
2. Eddie’s food has gone__________ (miss)
3. The coats with blood were those ____________ ( muder).
4. His bedroom is too_________ (tidy). Let’s ______ (help) to clean it.
5. That person you saw yesterday is ___________(middle) height.
6. That night, an old woman______________(murder).
7. Beijing School is holding a much __________ (excite) relay race.
8. The murder__________ ( happen) on a cloudy night.
9. This is much _____________(serious)
10. He is very__________(friend), so we all like him.
11. The person ____________(want) for murer.

1. He has to do much homework every day.(否定句)

2. She was at home alone last night.(同义句)

3. Last year he was a salesman(提问)

4. They have to find out. Who is the murder.(合并一句)

三. 翻译
1. 我的食物已失踪了.    2. 谋杀案发生在一个冬天的早晨.

3. 那个妇女长得什么样子.        4. 有人打电话找你.

5. 我们对他们做了笔录.     6. 象那样       寻找       做重要的工作

6. 查出     不得不       看侦探故事           更加严重得多

7. 在上星期六夜里          做一些非常重要的工作

8. 在他的诊所         中等高度         最可能       举行一次写作比赛

9.  整洁的桌子         乐于助人的店主

            Unit6           2整洁__________ 成绩__________
一. 根据所给汉语写出单词
1. The drunk m_____(发现) in the ________(门口) of the neighbour’s.
2. Mike is one of the _____________(受害者) who ____________(抢劫).
3. They must_______(确认) their air tickets 3 days before they leave.
4. His dog’s _________(死) made him very sad.
5. When she woke up, her head was_________(流血)
6. Have you seen anything_______________( 怀疑) ?
7. He was last seen ___________ (离开) his office at about 7 p.m.
8. Today he got up as early as ___________(往常)
9. A young man_________________(谋杀) last night.
10. Shall we meet at the __________ (入口) to the cinema?
二. 选择
1. Don’t worry. I have______________ you.
A. confident of  B. confidence of  C. confidence in  D. confident in
2. Nothing _____________ to the students yesterday.
 A. was happened    B. happened     C. happens     D. is happened
A very special dinosaur fossil ____ Liaoning Province in the 1920s.
A. was discovered in         B. was discovered by
C. was found in               D. was found by
3.Zhou Jielun is the singer___ is well-known to teenagers in our city.
A. which     B. whom      C. who      D. whose
4.I am not sure ________ he is right or not.
 A. if     B. whether    C. as      D. for
5.This is the place___________ he was born.
 A. which      B. what       C. where       D. how  
6.We are asking __________ who saw ______________ unusual last night
 A. anyone, something    B. someone, something
C. anyone, anythiny D. someone, anything
7.The books ___________ by him is very interesting.
 A. are written    B. were written      C. is written     D. written
三. 句型转换
1. He said “ I am going to visit my parents”.(用宾语从句改写)
2. I believe you have made a good decision. (否定句)
3. He had many friends,_______________________?(反意问句)
Some saw the suspect running down the street at 10p.m. last night.(被动语态)

         Unit6           3整洁__________ 成绩__________

Detective stories教案由www.350xue.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.350xue.com
www.350xue.com 一. 用所给词的适当形式填空
1. Come here, jack. You _____________ (want) on the phone.
2. No one _____________(travel) farther than the moon so far.
3. My food ____________(go)______________(miss).
4. He is listening _________________(close) to the teacher.
5. They were ________________(scare) at the strange noise.
6. Look at the _____________(follow) examples, please.
7. A dictionary tries to tell the different_________(mean) of a word.
8. The __________(interview) asked him how many crimes he had solved.
9. What is his ________________(high)
10. His body_________(found) in the garden the day before yesterday.
11. He __________(charge) with___________(break) into my house soon.
12. By whom ____________ the young cook ____________(kill)?
13. There were more than one ____________(attack)
14. He was breathing _____________(heavy)
二. 将下列句子变成间接引语
1. She said, “I have to say goodbye now.”

2.  “I have already eaten lunch.” Said Mary.

3.  “Do you like these places?” the guide asked the visitor.

4. Tom said, “There are thousands of stars in the universe.”

5. He asked me, “Which one do you like best?”

6. She said to me, “ Don’t spit in the public.”

三. 翻译
1. 可能有不止一个袭击者.         2. 他有一份有趣且待遇丰厚的工作.

3.受害者过去有电脑犯罪的记录.4.  我们不肯定这使他招致了一些敌人.

5. 他被指控闯入几个电脑系统.   6.他有证据证明他不在犯罪现场.

            Unit6          4整洁__________ 成绩__________

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Detective stories教案

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