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标签:人教版八年级英语教案,初中英语教案,牛津初中英语教案,http://www.350xue.com 八年级英语Relationships教案,

Unit 5 Relationships
一. 教学内容:
Unit 5 Part 1
二. 教学重点和难点:
1. 用两个句型表达抱怨某事、某人的方法。
2. 修饰性副词的使用。
3. 要点解析。
三. 具体内容:
  1. enough修饰形容词或副词时必须位于被修饰的词语之后。修饰名词时一般位于其前,也可位于其后。enough后面通常接不定式短语或介词for短语。
    e.g. The question is easy enough.
       Tom didn’t do his homework carefully enough.
       The water is cool enough to drink.
       We have enough tickets for all of you.
  2. 修饰形容词时,如果用于否定句,则否定句在否定enough的同时,也否定了其后的不定式。
    e.g He is not careful enough to do the work.
       She is not old enough to go to school.
       e.g. There were not enough people to pick the apples.
  3. enough也可以做代词,意思是“足够,充足”。
    e.g. We have enough to do to complete the project.
    too+形容词或副词+(for sb.)+to do 表示“太……以至于不能……”,不定式虽然是肯定形式,但与前面的搭配构成了否定的含义。
    e.g. The book is too difficult for you to read.
       She is too short to catch the apples on the tree.
    e.g It’s never too old to learn.
  1. a bit, really
    (1) These trousers are          tight.
    (2) I’m        sorry.
  2. rather, at all
    (1) She fell and hurt her leg         badly.
    (2) They are not friendly to me        .
  3. a little, extremely
    (1) She is        absent-minded.
    (2) Mary found it        difficult to get a job.
(1)rather, a bit, a little 可减轻形容词的绝对性。
(2)really, extremely, quite 可起到强化形容词的作用。
(3)at all用于否定句加强语气。
1. seem像是,似乎
seem +(to be )+表语      seem +to+v.       It seems+(that)从句
e.g. It seems that I can’t win.
They don’t seem to like him.
They seem not to like him.
seem 与look
seem 暗示有一定根据的判断,这种判断往往接近事实。
look 着重由视觉得出的印象。
例 There       to be no need to go now.
A. seems      B. looks    C. is     D. are
2. until 直到……为止
e.g. I shall stay here until next Sunday.
e.g. He didn’t come until late in the night.
例 I knew nothing about it       my friend told me yesterday.
A. because   B. since     C. until     D. so
3. Do you find it easy to deal with plans that change?
find it easy to deal with …中的it在句中做形式宾语,其真正宾语是后面的动词不定式短语。
e.g. They found it hard to walk there.
例  I find       difficult to learn English well.
A. it    B. that    C. this    D. them
4. lonely
e.g. Tom feels lonely every day.
e.g. He lives in a lonely village.
alone 独自的,单独的,在句中常作表语。lonely带有强烈的情感色彩,表示因缺少朋友、友谊而产生的一种悲伤和忧郁的感情;而alone只是陈述一个事实,表示一个人。
e.g. He was alone in the room.
I was alone, but I don’t feel lonely.
     The children often come to see Grandpa Zhang, so he doesn’t feel       .
     A. alone     B. lonely     C. happy     D. happily
四. 课堂练习。
I. 根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。

www.350xue.com   1. 河水暖和得可以游泳。
The river is             to swim.
  2. 事情太多,我们记不住。
There are       many things for us       remember.
  3. 餐厅有足够的食物供大家吃。
There is               for everyone in the dining hall.
  4. 他不够慷慨,不会借钱给你。
He is                     to lend you money.
  5. 关于这个问题说得已够多了。
           has been said on this topic.
II. 用too … to …与not … enough …改写同义句
1. He is too late to catch up with the early bus.
2. The question is too difficult to answer.
3. The children aren’t old enough to see that horror movie.
4. The car isn’t cheap enough for us to buy.

一. 教学内容:
Unit 5 Part 2
二. 本周教学重点:
1. to talk about personality
2. to give reasons and purposes
3.to make contrast between two things with different phrases
三. 具体内容:
(一)To talk about personality.
1. Adjectives to describe personality.
friendly (友好的)
lazy (懒惰的)

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