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七年级英语My classrooms教学案

浏览次数: 283次| 发布日期:06-12 12:57:32 | 七年级英语教案
标签:初中英语教案,牛津初中英语教案,初中英语教案范例,http://www.350xue.com 七年级英语My classrooms教学案,

Unit 4 My classroom
1. a, an, the的用法
a, an是不定冠词,the是定冠词。他们都放在名词的前面,起着修饰名词的作用。a, an表示“一”,通常放在第一次出现的人或事物的单数名词前,泛泛而指,因此被称为“不定”冠词。如,This is a boy. The boy is my brother. It is an apple.而the是特指一些事物,使说话双方心中都知道的人或物,因此被称为“定”冠词。如,The teacher is from China.
2. there be句型的结构及用法
(1)there be的结构为 There be +名词+地点。表示某处有某物。具体表现为三种句子结构,即:There is +可数名词单数+地点. There is +不可数名词+地点. There are +可数名词复数+地点
例如:①There is an apple on the desk. 桌子上面有一个苹果。
②There is some water in the cup. 杯子里有些水。
③There are two cats behind the door. 门后有两只猫。
(2)there be的否定句是直接在be动词后面加not。如:There are two boys in the classroom.变为否定句是There aren’t two boys in the classroom.
(3)there be的一般疑问句是把be动词提前,句尾加问号。如:There is a new book on the teacher’s desk. 变为否定句是Is there a new book on the teacher’s desk?其肯定的回答是Yes, there is. 否定的回答是No, there isn’t.
2. 介词on, in behind的用法
4. 有关there be 句型中的一致原则。
例如:There is a pencil and two rubbers on the desk./There are two rubbers and a pencil on the desk.
这两句都表示铅笔盒里有两块橡皮和一支铅笔。当紧接着be动词的名词是单数a pencil时,be动词就用is的形式。当紧接着be动词的名词是复数two rubbers时,be动词就用are的形式。

1.______as a sister. This is ______ sister. (he)
2.The ________ are very helpful. (policeman)
3.There ________ four new students in my class. (be)
4.What’s on the _______ desk? (teacher)
5.Please ________ the window. (open)
6.Pat and I are in ______ 8. (class)
7.________ late for school again. (not be)
8.She is a ______ girl. (China)
9.________ a picture on the wall? No, _________. (there be)
10.Do you have ______ balls? (some)
1. 两个朋友__________________2. 站起来 _______________________
3. 打开书____________________4. 一扇窗户______________________
5. 我的文具盒________________6. 擦黑板________________________
7. 关门______________________8. 在讲台上_____________ ________
9. 八个女孩__________________10.一张他的全家福____________________
11. 去上学                   12. 两个文具盒                   
13. 十五个学生               14. 在椅子后面__________________
15. 许多盒子_________________16. 两张大海报___________________
1. You are late. (改为一般疑问句)
       you _______?
2. There is a pen in my pencil-box. (改为复数句子)
There        some         in my pencil-box.
3. She is a teacher. (对划线部分提问)
4. Close the door. (改为否定句)
                   the door.
5. I have a pen and a rubber in my bag. (改为同义句)
There                     and              in my bag.
(    ) 1. Let’s ________ the blackboard.
  A. be     B. clean    C. to clean    D. cleans
(    ) 2. The shop _______.
A. is open     B. open   C. close    D. is closed
(    ) 3. What         in the pencil box?           pens.
A. is; They’re     B. are; It’s     C. are; They’re    D. is; It’s
(    ) 4.           my trousers(裤子)?           on the bed.

七年级英语My classrooms教学案由www.350xue.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.350xue.com
www.350xue.com       A. Whose is; It’s     B. Where’s; It’s           C. Where’re; They’re   D. Where’s; They’re
(    ) 5. Lucy and Lily are in _______class.
A. you           B. I        C. me         D. our
(    ) 6. There are many trees           the river .
A. under        B. in    C. behind    D. near
(    ) 7. Don’t come           here.
A. to          B. on        C.\        D. for
(    ) 8. Are those apples red ? Yes,          .
A. those are    B. they are    C. it is     D. they is
(    ) 9. Look at the boxes            the classroom.
       A. in              B. on             C. under      D. to
(    ) 10. He is a boy.   _______ name is Li Ling.
A. His            B. Her          C. He          D. He’s
(    ) 11.  ______ is this man?  —In his office.
A. Who          B. Where       C. How      D. How old

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七年级英语My classrooms教学案

tag: 七年级英语教案,初中英语教案,牛津初中英语教案,初中英语教案范例,免费教案 - 英语教案 - 七年级英语教案