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七年级英语When were you born教案

浏览次数: 332次| 发布日期:06-12 12:58:03 | 七年级英语教案
标签:初中英语教案,牛津初中英语教案,初中英语教案范例,http://www.350xue.com 七年级英语When were you born教案,

Unit 7 The Birthday Party
Topic 1 When were you born
Section A   
出卷人:王慧  20xx年4月24日
一 、学习目标:
3、学习带有was .were 的一般过去时.
       When was he born ,do you know ?
       He was born in June,1986.
       Where was he born?      In Mayland ,the U.S.A.
When were you born?     I was born in January,1995.
1、 Listen .Read and Write.听.读.写.
一月            二月                三月             四月           
__________      __________      _____________      __________
缩写:________    __________       ___________                
五月            六月               七月             八月
____________     __________         __________       ___      _
缩写:________   __________       ____________     ___________
九月          十月              十一月              十二月
____________    ____________     _________________   ________      _
缩写:________  ____________    _________________    _____________ 
2、 Read and Write.(自学3a并写出年份)
3、(A) Listen 1a and answer
    When was he born?                                             
 Where was he  born?                                             
(B)Read 1a and find these phrases.(读并找出短语)
  最喜爱的体育明星      课后.         出生        超级粉丝    当然 
(C) Listen and Repeat.听且重复.
(D)Make dialogues about your favorite star关于你最喜爱的明星编对话.
(E) Ask and Answer then write(问答并写下你的出生日期和时间)
     When were you born?                                                                   
     Where were you born?                            
     I was born in                in               .                            
4、 Part2. Listen and follow.听且跟读.

七年级英语When were you born教案由www.350xue.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.350xue.com
www.350xue.com 5、 Listen and complete 3b听并且完成3.b.
三、 当堂测评:
at           on         in
(1)、—Zhang peng, when do you go to bed every day?
      —I go  to bed ______9:30 p.m every day.
 (2)、Mr. Li is  a bus driver.He often goes to work early _________the morning.
 (3)、Han Mei was born ________March 28th ,Her father always buys her some books_______that day.
 (4)、—When did the Beijing Olympic Games begin?
    _       _August 8th,20xx.
   —Oh,________August, It was very hot in Beijing .
 (5)、—Mrs.Wang.when was your little son born?
__________the morning of October 4th,1996.
 (1)、She was born in 1996.
   ______  ______she born?
(2)、He was born in Beijing.
______  _____he born?
(3).They were in the library on Monday afternoon.(改为否定句)
              in the library on Monday afternoon?
(4)Tom’ sister was born in London(改为一般疑.问句,并作否定回答)
        Tom’ sister         in London?
   (1) S      comes after August. New term begins.
   (2)How mang workers are there in that factory?
     There are one t        workers in that factory.
   (3)Who will go to Beijing with you?
     Nobody, I go there a     

七年级英语When were you born教案由www.350xue.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.350xue.com

七年级英语When were you born教案

tag: 七年级英语教案,初中英语教案,牛津初中英语教案,初中英语教案范例,免费教案 - 英语教案 - 七年级英语教案